Multistatic Sonobuoys

AN/SSQ-565 Multistatic Low Frequency Active Source & Moni Receive Sonobuoy

The AN/SSQ-565 A-size sonobuoy operates primarily as a high-power, low frequency acoustic source for multistatic active sonar operations. Its transmit band is compatible with any standard sonobuoy, but is ideally matched with Ultra Maritime’s AN/SSQ-573.
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AN/SQ-926 Active Low Frequency Electro-Acoustic (ALFEA) Sonobuoy

The AN/SSQ-926 Active Low Frequency Electro-Acoustic (ALFEA) A-size Sonobuoy has been designed specifically for use as a high power, low frequency electro-acoustic source in multistatic buoy fields.

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AN/SQ-955 Passive Search Sonobuoy and Variants (HIDAR)

The AN/SSQ-955 High Instantaneous Dynamic Analysis and Recording (HIDAR) sonobuoy combines the world’s best DIFAR sensor with an all-digital electronics design in a lightweight G-size package.

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